För 19:e året i rad rankas Handelshögskolans SSE Executive Education högst i Norden och Baltikum inom management- och 


SSE Executive Education är Nordeuropas ledande hubb för executive education. Vi utvecklar ledare genom forskning tätt integrerat med näringsliv, samt med fokus på spetsområdena innovation, entreprenörskap, hållbarhet och finans, vilket driver företag, organisationer och offentlig sektor mot kraftfull transformation.

ABB lanserar nytt aktieåterköpsprogram. Läs mer. Education: Industrial Engineering and Management, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden Trainee program: 2019/20 Role within Bufab: Quality Technician Th DB Schenker is a leader in supply chain management and logistics solutions, handling everything from logistics to customized shipping solutions. Välkommen till Karlskrona kommun. Vad kan vi hjälpa till med?

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SSE Riga Executive Education offers open and internal company programs and an Executive MBA to individuals, businesses and other institutions in the Baltic region. SSE Russia - Executive MBA The primary choice for successful business people with global minds and Russian experience. Listing Executive Education courses at SSE and other business schools in Sweden. See Exec Ed calendars, articles, rankings, and more at Executive Courses. SSE Executive Education is the Nordic region’s leading player in Executive Education and is represented in Sweden, Finland, Russia and the Baltic region. With academic research as its foundation and close cooperation with the market, we offer a wide choice of open programs directed at individuals as well as programs tailored for companies and organizations. The annual Financial Times global ranking of executive education has since 2005 ranked Hanken & SSE Executive Education through its owner Stockholm School of Economics the top provider of executive education in the Nordic region, while being part of the top 50 providers of executive education in the world.

DB Schenker is a leader in supply chain management and logistics solutions, handling everything from logistics to customized shipping solutions.

Transform tomorrow. SSE Executive Education At SSE Executive Education, academic research is integrated with business.

See beyond today. Transform tomorrow. SSE Executive Education

Sse executive education

Adress:Sveavägen 65, Box 45180, 104 30 Stockholm. Tel: 08-586 175 00 Fax: 08-31 43 60 E-post: info@ifu.se More information about SSE Executive Education can be found on the website www.exedsse.se Stockholm School of Economics | Box 6501 | SE-113 83 Stockholm | Phone: +46 8 736 90 00 This website uses cookies. SSE Executive Education develops leaders focused on cutting-edge areas, including innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainable growth and financial economics, as well as boosting the competitiveness SSE Executive Education - En del av Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Vi ökar er konkurrenskraft genom att tänka nytt På SSE Executive Education förser vi ledare med ny kunskap, nya tankesätt och nya verktyg för att på ett framgångsrikt och resultatdrivet sätt kunna leda sina verksamheter in i framtiden. Hanken & SSE Executive Education offers tailored world-class executive learning solutions designed to have genuine business impact. More information about Hanken & SSE Executive Education can be found on the website www.hankensse.fi. Hanken & SSE Executive Education. SSE Executive Education is ranked by the Financial Times as one of Europe’s foremost supplier of Executive Education.

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Sse executive education

Hanken & SSE i Vasa erbjuder utvecklingsprogram inom företagsekonomiska delområden, Client: SSE Executive Education // Director Camera Editing: Carl Eneroth // Executive Producer: Malin Pedro www.exedsse.se IFL:s öppna executive education-program rankades 2014 som Nordeuropas bästa, Europas 17:e bästa och världens 37:e bästa.Bland övriga nordeuropeiska högskolor och universitet märks NHH i Norge (plats 2 i Nordeuropa, 45 i världen) och Aaltouniversitetet i Finland (plats 3 i Nordeuropa och 52 i världen) [3].

Hanken & SSE Executive Education is on a mission to support leaders and organisations to reach their full potential. We deliver executive programmes globally by merging frontline independent academic expertise, thorough business understanding and innovative pedagogical approaches in learning experiences designed to have true business impact.
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SSE Riga Executive Education offers open and internal company programs and an Executive MBA to individuals, businesses and other institutions in the Baltic region. SSE Russia - Executive MBA The primary choice for successful business people with global minds and Russian experience.

Fiskargatan 8, 116 20 Stockholm, Sweden +46 (0)8 31 70 00. Nya projekt och uppdrag.

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SSE offers BSc, MSc and MBA programs, along with PhD- and Executive education programs. SSE's Master program in Finance is ranked no.18 worldwide as of 

www.exedsse.se ‎Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education is one of Europe’s leading providers of educational programs in leadership, finance, accounting and business development. SSE Executive Education utvecklar ledare med fokus på spetsområden som innovation & entreprenörskap, hållbar tillväxt och finansiell ekonomi, samt ökar konkurrenskraften hos företag, organisationer och offentlig sektor genom kraftfull transformation. Today, SSE Executive Education helps organizations achieve results by developing leaders in the areas of business management as well as innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability and finance. And we can proudly look forward to an exciting future where digitalization and innovation create both challenges and opportunities for even stronger growth. Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Executive Education AB (SSE Executive Education) använder dina uppgifter från formulär i syfte att hålla kontakten med dig så länge som du själv önskar. Om du anmäler dig till ett av våra program kommer vi även att använda samma uppgifter för att registrera dig som deltagare i programmet, i vårt Learning Management System samt för att skicka ut utvärderingar om programmet. SSE Executive Education utvecklar ledare med fokus på spetsområden som innovation & entreprenörskap, hållbar tillväxt och finansiell ekonomi, samt ökar konkurrenskraften hos företag SSE Stockholm.